Mommy Makeovers Houston

Mommy Makeover  isn’t so much a set process of treatments, as it is the best combination of treatments for you. It’s hard to give an exact definition of a treatment package, because each person has a completely different experience from giving birth.

Welcoming a new child into the world is a blessed event, and many women find pregnancy and childbirth to be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling.

Yet this blessed event brings about significant changes to a woman’s body. Many of these changes are undesirable, and difficult to reverse, even after the body has bounced back following childbirth. Some common after-effects of pregnancy and breastfeeding are:


While loose muscles and stretched skin improve somewhat over time, a woman’s body rarely ever returns to pre-pregnancy condition, even with diet and exercise.

At one time, women were stuck with their new, post-childbirth bodies. Now, though, more and more women are seeking out plastic surgeons who can help restore the youthfulness of their pre-pregnancy bodies.

Mommy Makeovers include a variety of post-maternity breast and body reshaping procedures that can rejuvenate breasts and tummies, giving new moms the double blessing of a beautiful child and a beautiful body!

“Would you like to know more about a Mommy Makeover?”

Enjoy your new baby and your body. The procedures outlined on this page, along with other plastic surgery procedures, can restore and rejuvenate your body after having children.

Whether you are considering a single breast or body procedure, or you’re interested in a complete Mommy Makeover package, call us at (832) 398-0112 to schedule a consultation. We’ll sit down and discuss your goals and help you determine whether a Mommy Makeover is right for you.

“Some of the procedures included in a Mommy Makeover are:”

breast augmentation implants

Breast Lift

A breast lift, or mastopexy, is performed to restore a youthful shape to breasts and correct ...

Breast Augmentation Cosmetic Surgery

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery ...

Abdominoplasty Surgery Procedure


Abdominoplasty, commonly referred to as a tummy tuck, is a popular cosmetic procedure...

Liposuction Cosmetic Surgery Procedure


Liposuction is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure used to remove localized ...

Labia Lips Surgery

Female Rejuvenation

Many women suffer from enlarged labia minora (the inner genital lips), which may be ...

renuvion j plasma skin tightening

Renuvion J Plasma Skin Tightening

Renuvion J Plasma is a minimally invasive skin tightening procedure that can be used to dramatically tone without surgery...

Frequently Asked Questions

How many plastic surgeries can be done at once?

We often combine 3-5 plastic surgery procedures into one mommy makeover procedure. At your consultation, we will discuss your medical history and treatment goals to determine how many procedures are needed and safe to receive at one time. Dr. Chaudhari routinely performs surgeries for 8 to 10 hours, if needed, without any increase in surgical complications.

How much did you pay for your mommy makeover?

The cost of a mommy makeover varies depending on how many procedures are received. At your consultation, we will give you a price estimate and discuss financing options. Depending on the combination of procedures, the price range can be between $12,000 and $25,000.

Are Mommy Makeovers dangerous?

A mommy makeover is a large complex combination of procedures that can be executed safely when performed by a board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Chaudhari. However, like any surgical procedure, there are small risks of bleeding, infection, scarring, dissatisfaction, and need for revisions.

How much fat can be removed during liposuction?

Liposuction can remove an average of 3-5 pounds of fat, and this amount may vary, depending on how many areas you receive liposuction and how much excess fat needs to be removed to create a smooth, beautiful contour.

How do you prepare for a mommy makeover?

Before a mommy makeover, patients should be in overall good health and nonsmokers or committed to not smoking for at least six weeks. Patients should also avoid blood-thinning medications like anti-inflammatories and certain herbal supplements for a few days before surgery. Alcohol should also be limited during the week leading up to your procedure. Daily protein intake should be increased before surgery to maximize your healing potential. Dr. Chaudhari will go over all of these and more at the time of your consultation.

How long does it take to recover from a mommy makeover?

Most patients can return to work two weeks after their mommy makeover procedure but more strenuous exercise and activities like heavy lifting should be avoided for at least four weeks. After two weeks, most of the swelling will have gone down and discomfort will be minimal, but it can take several weeks for swelling to completely reduce.

What is a mommy makeover?

The phrase “mommy makeover” is a broad phrase that includes any combination of breast and body enhancement procedures that reverses the effects of having children. For many women, this includes a breast lift and tummy tuck, but some women want implants and some women want liposuction, so it’s very customized for each woman. When you meet with Dr. Chaudhari, he will spend a lot of time understanding your needs and helping you develop a treatment plan for you. We are more than capable of handling anything you need to have done.

How is post-op pain managed?

In addition to oral pain medications, including narcotics and anti-inflammatory medications, Dr. Chaudhari also provides the option of having an implantable pain pump that continuously and automatically infuses a local anesthetic medication to numb the surgical site. This On-Q pain pump delivers the local anesthetic medication for 6 days post-op to really give you good relief from postop pain. Our patients really love this option and most of them state that their pain is surprisingly minimal after major body contouring procedures.