In surgery with Dr. Swet Chaudhari
What to expect? Before your
Plastic Surgery procedure.
Dr. Swet Chaudhari discusses what to expect before your procedure.
What to expect? Recovery
after plastic surgery.
Dr. Swet Chaudhari discusses what you can expect after your procedure.
What to expect during your initial plastic surgery consultation.
Dr. Swet Chaudhari discusses what you can expect during your initial consultation at SunCoast Plastic Surgery.
Dr. Swet Chaudhari’s favorite procedures.
Dr. Swet Chaudhari discusses his favorite procedures.
How to choose a Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Swet Chaudhari discusses the qualities you should look for when choosing a Plastic Surgeon.
How I became a Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Swet Chaudhari tells us how his extensive and diverse educational pursuits set him on a direct course to become a Double Board Certified Plastic Surgeon.
How to optimize your
plastic surgery.
Dr. Swet Chaudhari discusses how important it is to set your goals together with your surgeon. Tips to maximize your results from plastic surgery.
How can you get the best
Liposuction results?
Dr. Swet Chaudhari discusses the difference between subcutaneous fat and visceral fat.
How I chose to become a
Plastic Surgeon.
Dr. Swet Chaudari discusses what markers in early childhood that lead him to go to medical school and eventually become a Double Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon.
Dr. Swet Chaudhari discusses the difference between the training that Plastic Surgeons receive compared to Cosmetic Surgeons.
The feeling of heaviness of our upper eyelids is a result of excess eyelid skin, which is a result of genetics and aging and brow position. Watch as Dr. Swet Chaudhari, Double Board Certified Surgeon, goes over the most frequently asked questions about excess upper eyelid skin, and best practices on how to fix it.
Do I need a tummy tuck?
The ideal candidates for tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, are those patients that have excess skin of the abdomen, loose and mobile skin, some abdominal wall weakness, stretch marks, or overhanging skin flap called a pannus, sometimes with an underlying skin irritation or infection.
Do I need a breast lift?
The amount of sagging that a breast has is called ptosis and ptosis is measured on the Regnault classification scale, which compares the nipple position relative to the IMF, which is the curvilinear crease on the bottom of the breast. Watch as Dr. Swet Chaudhari, Double Board Certified Surgeon, goes over the most frequently asked questions about breast lifts and best practices.
Best breast implant size for me?
Choosing the right breast implant for you is not as easy as choosing your favorite ice cream. There are many factors including how much breast tissue you already have, you height and weight, your breast base width, if your your skin is loose and how much, if your breast are sagging down and how much, and what your overall goal is in terms how noticeable you want your breasts to be.
A dermal filler is clear gel made of hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally occurring molecule already found in the skin, that is injected into the creases and folds of the face that are present even when the face is at rest. Watch as Dr. Swet Chaudhari, Double Board Certified Surgeon, goes over the most frequently asked questions about what is a dermal filler and how is it used.
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